Spiritual Healing photo with Plants and Jewelry

Meet the founder of Lai's Body Galore!

Just when you thought you couldn’t get any healing from jewelry, you stumbled across my page. How funny! I provide the ultimate healing in jewelry form. 
Welcome to Lai’s Body Galore where we, well I, make each item for you all to express yourselves freely, and uniquely! I’m Malaisia, also known as Laisia Rachelle, or Lai. And I am the creator of Lai's Body Galore. I just want to start by expressing gratitude to those taking a moment to read this. Thank you for being here!
I am a 23 year old first generation entrepreneur! I started making waist beads in August of 2020. But before then, I had a friend that had a business in jewelry making and sadly she decided to stop. I had hoped to find another local business that made them intentionally, however, I struggled to find one I felt aligned with. I knew I could make my own looking back at my childhood and remembering when I made earrings and bracelets for my church family. So I went online to find what I needed to start and went to some stores. That same day I began creating.
It started with me wanting my own, until I realized I could be making them for the collective. I wanted everyone to feel how I felt when I wore waist beads.
Beautiful, divine, powerful, sexy... 
Soon after I had the thought to add Protection/Diffuser bracelets to my jewelry making. I've always been a lover of bracelets, especially those with meaning. I purchased some expensive tumbled stones and paired them with lava stones. Once I liked the looks I created, I knew I had to utilize the lava stones for Aromatherapy, to further aid in the healing of my jewelry! 
Aromatherapy is so important to me as I hardly ever leave the house without a scent. Be it perfume, dupes, or natural essential oils. The Lava Stones carry the scent of any essential oil you use, for up to 5 days. If you're wondering what I'm almost always wearing, its Lemongrass essential oil (thank me later). 
As i've been in this business for over a year now, I realize how easy it is for things to take off as a trend. Although I love that more and more women are turning to waistbeads as a fashion statement, I must say I do not and never have done this for the trend or "clout". I do, and will always do this for the people.
I do this for our ancestors who wore and embraced every part of their being. I do this for the mother’s who suffer from infertility. I do this for the young women who were never taught how to express themselves or acknowledge their divine essence... I do this for the men who move like Kings and aren’t afraid to stand in their masculine energy, even if there’s a little pink on his bracelet. I do this for the boys who feel misguided and are seeking alignment and protection. I do this for the collective of people looking to further explore and express.
I do this for myself because in some of my darkest moments in life, I've had no choice but to turn inward for clarity or strength, or even peace. The idea of me being able to bring a sense of healing through jewelry seemed far out of reach to me, until I saw how my own jewelry in fact, was healing me. 
 If you know me beyond social media, you know i’ve been gifted with many talents. This is one of them that I want to share with those who feel guided to shop and support me. For those who feel moved to step into their power.
I make everything with the two hands i’ve been given. I charge every single item before shipping, in the sun and with sound bowls as I bless your item by word/chant. Each item is personal to you, even if you order the same item as someone else, the reiki infused healing will feel very personal. Your piece will always be specially made for you!
If you are actively intentional while wearing my pieces, you will feel the healing powers within, and watch them evolve the longer you bond/wear them. We are all in different healing phases and we should choose to embrace the journey.
Thank you for tuning in and learning a bit about me. I'm sending much love and light your way. May you choose to browse my site and pick something that your heart guides you to. After all, your intuition never lies. Listen to it. 
With gratitude, 
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chilling read.. thank you Goddess, ordering now


love it!


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